You're here: Main page > 1. The geographic location of the Electric Trolleybus Town Eberswalde

1. The geographic location of the Electric Trolleybus Town Eberswalde

Eberswalde city arms The Electric Trolleybus Town Eberswalde is the district town of the Barnim district and lies in Land (state) of Brandenburg, approx. 50-km northeast from Berlin, in the Federal Republic of Germany. It counts 43634 inhabitants (as of 30 June 2024).
Eberswalde sits about 20 km from the German-Polish border as the crow flies. The nearest crossing points are Hohenwutzen (FRG) / Osinòw Dolny (Pl) (approx. 25 km) and Schwedt (FRG) / Krajnik Dolny (Pl) (approx. 50 km).

The federal highway B 167 and the country road L 200 lead through Eberswalde and cross there. Further the federal highway B 168 begins in Eberswalde. The German freeway A 11 from Berlin to Szczecin (Poland) passes about 5 km from the town.

Eberswalde is located on the Finow and Oder-Havel Canal, both federal waterways.

Through Eberswalde pass the Berlin-Stralsund main line railway and the Eberswalde-Frankfurt/Oder line.


The town of Eberswalde lies in the Eberswalde Urstrom-valley, a geological formation resulting from the Ice Age. The surrounding landscape is rich in woodlands and lakes, on the edge of the Schorfheide.

Eberswalde has the following quarters and districts:

  1. Brandenburgisches Viertel (Brandenburg Quarter)
  2. Clara-Zetkin-Siedlung (Clara Zetkin Settlement)
  3. Finow
  4. Nordend (North End)
  5. Ostend (East End)
  6. Spechthausen
  1. Sommerfelde
  2. Stadtmitte (City Centre)
  3. Südend (South End)
  4. Tornow
  5. Westend (West End)
At its greatest extend, the city Eberswalde stretches approximately 17 km east to west, and 11,5 km north to south.

In addition to administrative offices there is the University Of Applied Sciences Eberswalde with the Faculty of Forestry, the Faculty of Landscape Use and Nature Protection, Faculty of Wood Science Technology and Faculty of Business Administration and Accounting. Over 1800 students are registered and 50 professors are appointed.

The town council has 36 seats. 9 are held by Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), 1 by BVB/FREIE WÄHLER Eberswalde-BVB/FREIE WÄHLER Eberswalde, 3 by Bündnis90/Die Grünen, 1 by Bürgerfraktion Barnim, 4 by Bündnis Eberswalde, 3 by Bürger für Eberswalde (BFE), 4 by Christlich Demokratische Union (CDU), 4 by Die Linke, 1 by Die PARTEI-Die PARTEI Die PARTEI für Arbeit, Rechtsstaat, Tierschutz, Elitenförderung und basisdemokratische Initiative (Die PARTEI); Alternative Liste Eberswalde (ALE); Bürgerinitiative »Radwege in Eberswalde« (BI Radwege), 2 by Freie Demokratische Partei (FDP), 4 by Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) (as at 09 June 2024).

Industries include metals, meat and sausage products.
Founded in 1977 as Schlacht- und Verarbeitungskombinat Eberswalde was the Eberswalder Fleischwerk company one of the biggest German and also European meat and sausage factories. The Eberswalder Fleischwerk company was the largest employer in our county. The Eberswalder Fleischwerk company is located in Britz 5 km away from Eberswalde.
Old City Hall New City Hall
Old City Hall New City Hall
Places of interest are the Zoo, the Forest Botanical Garden, the Family Garden, medieval churches, the old and new forestry academy, the Eberkran (crane named boar), the old and new city hall, the „Adler Apotheke” (old pharmacy named eagle, the oldest half-timbered house in the city), the Museum, the Finow water tower, the waggon elevator and many other large and small monuments and architectural monuments. The Zoo Eberswalde was by the way awarded as the best small zoo of Germany.
The railway bridge which was built in 1909, a town's landmark of the city Eberswalde, was demolished in 2004 because disrepair.
Maria Magdalena Church Eber Crane with visitor platform in the Family Garden
Maria Magdalena Church Eber Crane with visitor platform in the Family Garden
Around Eberswalde are some buildings at the Oder-Havel canal worth seeing, for example the canal bridge over the Berlin-Stralsund railway, the high embankment carrying the Oder-Havel canal across the valley of the little river Ragöse, the old and new ship hoist in the village Niederfinow, the cloister ruin in Chorin, the lake Werbellinsee and not to forget Germany's largest contiguous forest tract, Schorfheide.

The reopening of the University Of Applied Sciences Eberswalde is a bright spot. Within the scope of the enlargement and renewal of the University Of Applied Sciences Eberswalde two architecturally unconventional buildings were built in the middle in the centre of the town Eberswalde. Unfortunately, the buildings do not fit in the architectural sphere.