You're here: Main page > 4.2. Period from May 1945 to 1965 > Former administrative building Eberswalde, Bergerstraße
The former administrative building found and find in the Bergerstraße.
In this building was transferred in the year 1953 the electric rectifier station from the old electric power station.
The plant consisted until 1956 of an iron rectifier with control cabinet and the old machines, which already produced
direct current for the tram. As recently as 1956 these machines were replaced by a second iron rectifier with transformer
and control cabinet.
The electric rectifier station, the today's electric rectifier station centre (GUW Mitte), is also located in the
Bergerstraße this very day.
Here two photos of the former administrative building Eberswalde, Bergerstraße and today's electric rectifier
station centre (GUW Mitte):