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2.1. Trolleybus routes

The trolleybus routing is divided in two lines, in the trolleybus line  861  and the trolleybus line  862 .

The two trolleybus lines are altogether 37.2 km long and lead through 5 quarters of Eberswalde. They have thus the predominant part of the city as catchment area.

The two trolleybus lines have particularly in the quarters Stadtmitte and Westend a common pipe routing. Thus results in the quarters Stadtmitte and Westend a short cycle sequence of the departure times.

In the future line 910 will be established as 3rd trolleybus line. The trolleybuses of line 910 then use the existing trolleybus overhead line between Schneiderstraße - Finow (Kleiner Stern) and Finow (Kleiner Stern) - Schneiderstraße for driving and recharging the built-in batteries. The sections of line 910 outside the trolleybus overhead line are operated with battery power. However the main load of traffic is still provided by diesel-powered buses.

Bus and trolleybus route network for the Eberswalde local city transport